Thursday, February 27, 2014

Trivium is Truth

Below is a description quoted from a very informative website called that gives a brief synopsis of the key elements to teaching and learning and how they have been tampered with to dumb down our education system...
 "The solo question-and-answer feature of human cognition is the crucial stage of physiological and psychological development which those who would arrange the societies of the world into castes – workers, soldiers, administrative drones, and so called nobility – are trying desperately to arrest."
"By the way, the ostensibly termed secondary level subjects of more progressed arithmetic (algebra & formal geometry), logic, literary and historical analyses, creative writing, formalized science and other topics which are considered advanced, can be comprehended comparatively swiftly when presented at the proper time. That time would be to post pubescent teenagers who can often assimilate the basis of these topics in only a month or two rather than the multiple semesters and, in some cases, years spent forcing these subjects in primary schools on pre pubescent children."

 "I use the term “force” because the intent in government schools is not to teach these ideas in the spirit of education, but to convince students at every age level that they are simply not smart enough to ingest these subjects; that is, to make them lose interest in the various, valid topics established by the common ancestors of us all. Stated bluntly, the goal of the structures-of-power is to domesticate people, not to educate them."

"Unfortunately, the Trivium is not currently presented as a value unto itself. It has been co-opted by various religious and philosophic groups as a means to propagate their own dogma and to advance their specialized agendas. However, it is still possible to judiciously sever the various items of propaganda from the principles of Knowledge (general grammar), Understanding (Aristotelian logic), and Wisdom (formal rhetoric) from these, otherwise, excellent presentations."

You will find that as you start to pursue your child’s education, as well as your own, that the many worlds of information on true education will make themselves apparent to you and your family."


Its very important that you have access to this knowledge. That you understand the intention behind our education system. Its created for people to be molded into puppets and workers for these monopolies or what I like to refer to as "modern day plantations."

 If all you are doing is sending your children to school for so called education and you aren't teaching them anything beyond that, well I'm sorry to say, your setting them up to be low class workers not a BOSS and not providing them with any significant information about life such as morals values or methods of thinking for self .

Have you ever contemplated on why we aren't taught finance, money management, law, and tax preparation in school... Since these are the most significant to our society in American culture you would think those would be some of the core subjects...

The knowledge in modern day education is plummeting and is becoming more and more obsolete. The current education system would be irrelevant if it wasn't for the massive control of the government.

So  I cant elaborate on this enough... learn the principles of these teaching and learning methods and learn how to think for yourself.
Knowledge should no longer be spoon fed by "nwo instructors" who have no benefit from truly educating you!!!  


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