Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Power and Propaganda

In the 27 years of life I've been able to be blessed with on this earth, I've seen a great deal of change between the generations.

The rate of teenage mothers has increased tremendously as well as the single parent rate. The amount of teen parents on government assistance is outstanding. The amount of teenagers on drugs and committing crimes has also risen a great deal.

The fact that these crimes are being committed by our youth is a big problem. Something is extremely wrong with this picture. Our youth is our future and it is our responsibility to make sure we are educating, motivating, and inspiring our youth to lead the future and to a good place.

I can only come to the conclusion based on my observations over the years that the only thing each generation has in common as far as sources, point of reference, stereo types, and perceptions are tv and media outlets.

I think these sources are responsible. No matter how many people say that its the parenting, (which i wont deny that also plays a part) the reality of it is, no parent is able to supervise their child every given moment to keep them from taking in all the sexual and violent references seen on tv.

In every tv ad, reality tv show, and even Disney references there is the promotion of alcohol. Music promotes drug usage as well as promotion of being "bad" which we all know and have heard about the struggles in our youths every day middle and high school settings trying to "fit in", "to be cool" and "trendy" so if being "bad" is what's "in" at the moment then I can understand why these statistics are rising.

Lets inspire our youth to want to strive for greatness. Let's show them that they are our future and that they are important. The children of the world are crying out and it is up to us, the adults, the parents, the wise, to stick together because the statement "it takes a village to raise a child" still stands and with out us, against the power of the propaganda, our youth don't stand a chance.


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