Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ferguson Fighting For Freedom

As you can see, the media doesn't want you knowing the truth about what is going on in Ferguson, Missouri. I Can't say this enough... You can not allow your main source of information to come from main stream media!

I have included links to very credible sources that have a lot to say about the reason behind this madness. And it's not even remotely close to what is being reported to the masses daily. I'm sure they haven't made any reports about the protest right outside of CNN's doors.

We are in the Age of the Aquarius the age of knowledge people are waking up and becoming more conscious and snapping out of this mind controlled state we've been in for so long.
The people of Ferguson are tired of the oppression, harassment, racial profiling, false arrests, and continuance of the innocent getting murdered.

When push comes to shove people have to do what they can to be heard and stand up for what any sane human being knows is right and no authority figure should have any more right than anyone else to kill another.

When army tanks fill your community streets with infra red beams on your back as your walking away and being shot with rubber bullets and you've done nothing wrong how are you going to feel?   

Understand that the  following links provided in this post can weigh heavy on the heart or can seem far fetched to some individuals because the saying is true...some people just can't handle the truth.

Alex Jones Info Wars click following link...

Once you watch this video make sure to subscribe to Ron Gibson's Youtube channel which he provides these posts daily and has them organized by dates to keep up with what is going on with important issues that you wont find out the truth about in mainstream media.

At the end of the day, the fact of the matter is, the choice is yours... freedom or slavery. What side are you on? Stand for something or fall for anything! It doesn't matter what made up excuses they are putting out there in the media whether it be looting, throwing rocks, or disrespectful behavior...police and authority figures have no right to murder people when they are unarmed.

Beyond the so called rights that have been chosen for us and the Constitution that has been on suspension for only God knows how long... there is also something called human rights and universal laws. This is the true nature behind how humanity should be living without the influence of propaganda and so called governments. 

We can make a change but it starts with you and me coming together uniting, standing up for what we know is right, loving one another, and having a mutual respect for all human kind!


1 comment:

  1. Excellent coverage of the loss of life of 18 yr old Michael Brown, who was murdered by Police officer Darren Wilson. With protests still going on this weekend in behalf of Michael Brown, which Sunday's 8/23/14 will include MLK111. It is ironic that, that there is one today for the officer that murdered this young man's whose hands were in the air, demonstrating that he was submitting himself to the officer.

    Today in Staten Island there is a protest for 43yr old Eric Gardner whose life was taken by police in a choke old that has been illegal foe police to use in New York since 1992.

    You are correct, people's eyes are starting to see what is going on in the USA, not only those on the outside, but the World is watching now.

    The Black Americans are feeling the effects of King Alfred Plan (REX84).

    The King Alfred Plan - Gil Scott Heron - YouTube

    Hopefully, we will one day be able to look back at the exposure of what happens to day and ask,
    Is Ferguson the beginning of the end?
