Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Rhyme And Reason Truth and Treason

If you haven't noticed, the leaders of our past and current times are being assassinated. They are silencing our educators of truth, censoring the ones who inspire, and muzzling those who motivate.

We all have access to the knowledge of our fallen leaders and activists...the ratio to what we know vs what we heard should have increased tremendously considering that we now have the Internet .

Aren't you tired of seeing the leaders we adore and admire die and in vain at that... the only way to avoid these tragic events is if we take knowledge into our own hands and stop looking to other people to seek it. Everyone educated will put the power back in the peoples hands.

The blatant murders of our leaders alone should bring attention to the reality that we have been mislead as long as religion has been passed down from previous generations.

And the importance and demand of keeping us away from the truth should raise eyebrows and light bulbs should be going you ever ask yourself why acting and entertaining are some of the most paid occupations and why is it so important that we are entertained day in and day out by false realities, stereotypes, lies, and fallacies.

If not maybe you should start asking the question "why" more often. Start thinking for yourself and think logically vs mythological. Instead of just going with what you are told do your own research and educate yourself about a subject.

Learn to listen and exchange information with people vs having a debate. You don't get the benefit of the knowledge that is given from a conversation if no one is listening and only fighting about who's point of view is right.

The following image displays the different types of fallacies...

A fallacy is an argument that uses poor reasoning. An argument can be fallacious whether or not its conclusion is true.

We are all guilty and victim to these fallacies in everyday communication and it keeps us from really listening and all together communicating whats important to one another.

There has also been some factors left out of our teaching methods to hinder our learning ability but I'll get into those details on another post...

School is where we adopted this "so called" form of learning... where we just wait for a "teacher" to provide us with information and we just take their word for it when we have already established that over half of the schools curriculum is false!

We are programmed as youth to "be(lie)ve" lies such as Santa, Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.
I'm sure you don't get how this relates but think about it... the more we are lied to the less sensitive we are to the lies, the less we are concerned that we are being lied to... GET IT?

It's stated in your own bible not to commit idolatry...
 John 5:21

"Little children, keep yourselves from idols."


Perfect example of the ripple effects of lying to your children... You do it why can't they? Instead of questioning why they were lied to it only made them feel as if it is acceptable for them to lie as well as be lied to...

 These well known lies has evolved from Santa and Easter Bunny to propaganda and media stunts involving politics and war.

The moral of the story is...Live, Love, Learn and gain knowledge on your own... this is the way we can repossess our throne.


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