Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lead Our Youth and Lead Our Future

Even though all of the subjects I voice my thoughts on may not always be the most joyful of topics, I always like to bring in the day with a positive message, so I'm sending my love to each and every one of you! May peace and joy be with you!

I thank you for your interest in these topics! It shows me that there are people that actually do care about the well being of humanity and that we still have a fighting chance for a positive change.

For those who don't know, we have recently entered the Age of Aquarius. "As the Aquarius Age dawns, The old defenses and manipulations based on hiding or controlling access to information will no longer work. We need the capacity to assess our actions and their consequences before we take them as if every action will be known and will reveal us. Only then can we realize that our word, fulfilled by actions. is our ultimate gift and power."

With that being said, it's become so much easier to see through the fraud. Naturally we now have more access than ever to be enlightened due to the progression of the universal ages and technology.

So awake and take in knowledge for heavens sake! Stop ignoring what this society is doing to our children! When I was growing up, I couldn't turn on the TV and see sexual references in commercials, or hear them on the radio, or google them on the Internet..Technology has come a long way and we have reached a new day. No filters, what so ever, for our youth. BOLD LIES and HIDDEN TRUTHS!

I refuse to allow the innocence of our youth to be slowly but surely faded away.  STOP EXPLOITING OUR YOUTH!!! Every time I look up there is a video gone viral of children saying and doing things that they have no business doing, saying or let alone even knowing about.

Children speaking of subjects with adult content, twerking, and pole dancing... It's getting pretty bad if you ask me. We can't continue raising our youth and giving them the title that they are bad because its not the child that is bad, it is the "influence" that is bad.  Think about the intake of content consuming there minds on a day to day basis and you wonder why your baby comes home saying things you never heard them say before.

This is the beginning of a everlasting cycle of phases from infant to toddler, preteen to teenager to young adult. So you have to think about it... a child's mental growth is significant to who they will be as adults, so think about our children and what type of adults they will be 20 years from now if we allow them to continue down this road to destruction.

Recently an unarmed boy was shot and murdered by the police. Its seems like every time i look up there is a new child being murdered in the media and there character is slandered to make it excusable. Unarmed Child Shot and Killed By Police

This is all being done slowly over the generation to dumb down humanity and prepare our youth for Martial Law and the New World Order. Getting them used to the idea that you do what your told and ask no questions and fear authority.

Knowledge is power and the key to life. Teaching your youth to be knowledgeable as well as wise and intelligent is more than enough to guide them through this harsh reality I call the journey through life. Teach them to think for themselves, question anything that doesn't make sense, and to know history.

Lets raise our youth to be the Kings and Queens they truly are and encourage them to embrace love, positivity and put these crazy ideas of a false reality propaganda influences into perspective.

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