Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ferguson Fighting For Freedom

As you can see, the media doesn't want you knowing the truth about what is going on in Ferguson, Missouri. I Can't say this enough... You can not allow your main source of information to come from main stream media!

I have included links to very credible sources that have a lot to say about the reason behind this madness. And it's not even remotely close to what is being reported to the masses daily. I'm sure they haven't made any reports about the protest right outside of CNN's doors.

We are in the Age of the Aquarius the age of knowledge people are waking up and becoming more conscious and snapping out of this mind controlled state we've been in for so long.
The people of Ferguson are tired of the oppression, harassment, racial profiling, false arrests, and continuance of the innocent getting murdered.

When push comes to shove people have to do what they can to be heard and stand up for what any sane human being knows is right and no authority figure should have any more right than anyone else to kill another.

When army tanks fill your community streets with infra red beams on your back as your walking away and being shot with rubber bullets and you've done nothing wrong how are you going to feel?   

Understand that the  following links provided in this post can weigh heavy on the heart or can seem far fetched to some individuals because the saying is true...some people just can't handle the truth.

Alex Jones Info Wars click following link...

Once you watch this video make sure to subscribe to Ron Gibson's Youtube channel which he provides these posts daily and has them organized by dates to keep up with what is going on with important issues that you wont find out the truth about in mainstream media.

At the end of the day, the fact of the matter is, the choice is yours... freedom or slavery. What side are you on? Stand for something or fall for anything! It doesn't matter what made up excuses they are putting out there in the media whether it be looting, throwing rocks, or disrespectful behavior...police and authority figures have no right to murder people when they are unarmed.

Beyond the so called rights that have been chosen for us and the Constitution that has been on suspension for only God knows how long... there is also something called human rights and universal laws. This is the true nature behind how humanity should be living without the influence of propaganda and so called governments. 

We can make a change but it starts with you and me coming together uniting, standing up for what we know is right, loving one another, and having a mutual respect for all human kind!


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Fashion or Fascism

Allow me to start off by expressing how much I appreciate the culture of fashion and how it allows us to make a statement that represents our image.

With over a thousand looks and fashion trends to customize to fit who you are, it is important to know what different trends represent your TRUE image.

So ask yourself, when incorporating fashion trends into your wardrobe, "how does this outfit represent me?"

Fashion is such a humongous part of American culture due to the mass conditioning of the media reporting whats "in",  who wore it best, and fashion do's and don'ts. What ever happened to self expression?

I'm starting to notice gothic like trends becoming more popular as well as fashion that promotes self-degrading titles and imagery.

While this trend is becoming more and more popular, the ideas the labels promote are also becoming more trendy and are targeting our youth. Our youth are living up to these titles thinking it's "cool" because they see their favorite celeb rocking the same labels with the same messages...

Some labels have messages that are more subliminal and you may have to dig a little more to recognize the hidden message...

a perfect example of a label that has subliminal messages and propaganda hidden in it's clothing line is named "OBEY".

According to a blog titled Soc Theory, the creator of this brand, Shepard Fairey, claims that the distribution of this work, and the original artistic pieces, were an experiment in phenomenology.

Fairey discribes his goal as follows:

“The Andre the Giant sticker campaign can be explained as an experiment in Phenomenology. Heidegger describes Phenomenology as “the process of letting things manifest themselves.” The sticker has no meaning but exists only to cause people to react, to contemplate and search for meaning in the sticker.”

Propaganda is always controversial...

It took me awhile to see, that this new line that is in every urban clothing store I've visited, had a hidden agenda in its message.

The first time I noticed this clothing line I was checking out at the register and happened to look up  behind the register where they had a wall of hats. One of the fitted caps messages captured my eye.

 It read "Obey Propaganda".

This message alone made me obsessed with getting down to the bottom of understanding why and who would create a line with such a negative message and why people would still support this clothing line after seeing this message.

After further research I found other imagery with hidden messages that this clothing line promotes and I'd have to say are a little disturbing...

Check out the following images below and you come up with your own conclusions...



Google for other brands that share the same agenda... lets make sure our youth are capable of reading in between the lines and are not representing messages that do not represent their morals values and beliefs... 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


  Allow me to start off by asking a few questions. You take a minute to reflect on them and come up with your own conclusions based on logic as well as common sense.

On average how many people do you know who get some type of government assistance whether it be medicaid, food stamps, ObamaCare, WIC, social security, disability, or unemployment?

How many of those people have children to feed and a life to manage?

How many people do you know with good work ethic more than willing to work but just cant get a job?

Isn't the cost of living only getting more and more expensive? what sense does it make for republicans to want to keep the minimum wage the same?

Think about this...

How would you feel if you were someone who depends on welfare to make it, and that assistance was taken from you without any explanation?

How would you feel knowing that all along they've been planning to take this assistance away from you and you couldn't even get a months notice?

Sorry to say, but the reality of it is, reports like the following are exactly the results from situations just mentioned...

The Truth-O-Meter Says:


"Six people in Florida die as a result of (not expanding Medicaid) every day."

Charlie Crist on Friday, February 7th, 2014 in an interview on MSNBC's "The Daily Rundown."

Not only is welfare in jeopardy but so are our right to bare arms. The clause in regards to our right to bare arms was placed in the constitution to allow the everyday people of America like you and I, to protect themselves from a rouge government.

Do you ever feel like the powers that be may think you are illiterate and or to ignorant to be able to handle yourself freely and so therefore think you should have to forfeit your right to ultimately protect yourselves and your families...

 But in retrospect are hypocrites and contradict themselves over and over by killing thousands sending drones into other countries and killing innocent people not sparing women or children...

Do you ever ponder on how you could contribute to the cure of corruption in politics?

Well first you can keep yourself up to date on media outlets other than FOX news...

You may not understand when it comes to political and legal issue a lot of networks like FOX report biased opinions and provide half truths that support their hidden agendas, really leaving you more confused than before you started watching it.

Don't feed into the propaganda.

Study words that you don't understand when it comes to political and legal terminology, they use the art of words to manipulate and control you to the benefit of no one else but their own gain.

I recommend MSNBC that is the closest you are going to get to the truth on television.

This news outlet reports on what is truly important to the American public and what could be in jeopardy for them as well.

Don't take any ones information as truth until you do the research or they provide credible sources that prove as fact.

Have an open mind because a lot of claims you hear in regard to American society in general seem so far fetched... and consider that those claims maybe closer to the truth than you think.

If you live in a republican state I cant express it enough VOTE VOTE VOTE DEMOCRATS TO THE US SENATE!!!

They are literally exercising all measures to keep people from voting at the polls in November preferably the people them being in office effects the most... the working class and the less fortunate... so you make sure to exercise all measures to be there and VOTE!!!

Obama needs democrats backing him because republicans are running the house and are sabotaging everything he can possibly do to make this country finally live up to its name

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Trivium is Truth

Below is a description quoted from a very informative website called that gives a brief synopsis of the key elements to teaching and learning and how they have been tampered with to dumb down our education system...
 "The solo question-and-answer feature of human cognition is the crucial stage of physiological and psychological development which those who would arrange the societies of the world into castes – workers, soldiers, administrative drones, and so called nobility – are trying desperately to arrest."
"By the way, the ostensibly termed secondary level subjects of more progressed arithmetic (algebra & formal geometry), logic, literary and historical analyses, creative writing, formalized science and other topics which are considered advanced, can be comprehended comparatively swiftly when presented at the proper time. That time would be to post pubescent teenagers who can often assimilate the basis of these topics in only a month or two rather than the multiple semesters and, in some cases, years spent forcing these subjects in primary schools on pre pubescent children."

 "I use the term “force” because the intent in government schools is not to teach these ideas in the spirit of education, but to convince students at every age level that they are simply not smart enough to ingest these subjects; that is, to make them lose interest in the various, valid topics established by the common ancestors of us all. Stated bluntly, the goal of the structures-of-power is to domesticate people, not to educate them."

"Unfortunately, the Trivium is not currently presented as a value unto itself. It has been co-opted by various religious and philosophic groups as a means to propagate their own dogma and to advance their specialized agendas. However, it is still possible to judiciously sever the various items of propaganda from the principles of Knowledge (general grammar), Understanding (Aristotelian logic), and Wisdom (formal rhetoric) from these, otherwise, excellent presentations."

You will find that as you start to pursue your child’s education, as well as your own, that the many worlds of information on true education will make themselves apparent to you and your family."


Its very important that you have access to this knowledge. That you understand the intention behind our education system. Its created for people to be molded into puppets and workers for these monopolies or what I like to refer to as "modern day plantations."

 If all you are doing is sending your children to school for so called education and you aren't teaching them anything beyond that, well I'm sorry to say, your setting them up to be low class workers not a BOSS and not providing them with any significant information about life such as morals values or methods of thinking for self .

Have you ever contemplated on why we aren't taught finance, money management, law, and tax preparation in school... Since these are the most significant to our society in American culture you would think those would be some of the core subjects...

The knowledge in modern day education is plummeting and is becoming more and more obsolete. The current education system would be irrelevant if it wasn't for the massive control of the government.

So  I cant elaborate on this enough... learn the principles of these teaching and learning methods and learn how to think for yourself.
Knowledge should no longer be spoon fed by "nwo instructors" who have no benefit from truly educating you!!!  


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Rhyme And Reason Truth and Treason

If you haven't noticed, the leaders of our past and current times are being assassinated. They are silencing our educators of truth, censoring the ones who inspire, and muzzling those who motivate.

We all have access to the knowledge of our fallen leaders and activists...the ratio to what we know vs what we heard should have increased tremendously considering that we now have the Internet .

Aren't you tired of seeing the leaders we adore and admire die and in vain at that... the only way to avoid these tragic events is if we take knowledge into our own hands and stop looking to other people to seek it. Everyone educated will put the power back in the peoples hands.

The blatant murders of our leaders alone should bring attention to the reality that we have been mislead as long as religion has been passed down from previous generations.

And the importance and demand of keeping us away from the truth should raise eyebrows and light bulbs should be going you ever ask yourself why acting and entertaining are some of the most paid occupations and why is it so important that we are entertained day in and day out by false realities, stereotypes, lies, and fallacies.

If not maybe you should start asking the question "why" more often. Start thinking for yourself and think logically vs mythological. Instead of just going with what you are told do your own research and educate yourself about a subject.

Learn to listen and exchange information with people vs having a debate. You don't get the benefit of the knowledge that is given from a conversation if no one is listening and only fighting about who's point of view is right.

The following image displays the different types of fallacies...

A fallacy is an argument that uses poor reasoning. An argument can be fallacious whether or not its conclusion is true.

We are all guilty and victim to these fallacies in everyday communication and it keeps us from really listening and all together communicating whats important to one another.

There has also been some factors left out of our teaching methods to hinder our learning ability but I'll get into those details on another post...

School is where we adopted this "so called" form of learning... where we just wait for a "teacher" to provide us with information and we just take their word for it when we have already established that over half of the schools curriculum is false!

We are programmed as youth to "be(lie)ve" lies such as Santa, Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.
I'm sure you don't get how this relates but think about it... the more we are lied to the less sensitive we are to the lies, the less we are concerned that we are being lied to... GET IT?

It's stated in your own bible not to commit idolatry...
 John 5:21

"Little children, keep yourselves from idols."


Perfect example of the ripple effects of lying to your children... You do it why can't they? Instead of questioning why they were lied to it only made them feel as if it is acceptable for them to lie as well as be lied to...

 These well known lies has evolved from Santa and Easter Bunny to propaganda and media stunts involving politics and war.

The moral of the story is...Live, Love, Learn and gain knowledge on your own... this is the way we can repossess our throne.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Be A Man And Take A Stand

What an inspirational empowering visual!!!
Our fellow man standing together for a common cause!!!
This is what the world needs today... I can't say it enough... UNITY!!!
Not only is it the women in our society fitting into the stereo types that degrade their self worth but the men go right along with the terms that society has labeled them as well.
If we knew better we'd do better...right...that's what they say...
So why is it that we don't know better. Look at these men who stood together and fought for respect, equality, freedom, and the right to have peace.
You would think these men here had children that they taught the importance of standing up for your beliefs and fighting the good fight if push comes to shove.
I understand there was a "monkey wrench thrown in the works" somewhere along the line to sabotage this movement and that is the reason why there is a gap between our generations where knowledge should have been passed down and the importance of standing up for your rights could also be passed down and instilled in their youth...
The Crack Epidemic is the monkey wrench that was thrown in the works...

dark_alliance.jpg"For nearly a decade the CIA helped spread crack cocaine in Black ghettos"

[Note: This article was originally published in 1996 by then Final Call News West Coast Bureau Chief, Rosalind Muhammad.]

"LOS ANGELES ( - New evidence has surfaced linking the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency to the introduction of crack cocaine into Black neighborhoods with drug profits used to fund the CIA-backed Nicaraguan Contra army in the early 1980s.
This evidence has given credence to long-held suspicions of the U.S. government's role in undermining Black communities."
"Thousands of young Black men are serving long prison sentences for selling cocaine -- a drug that was virtually unobtainable in Black neighborhoods before members of the CIA's army started bring it into South Central in the 1980s at bargain basement prices," wrote Mercury News reporter Gary Webb, in the first installment of the shocking series of reports."


"For years, writers, authors, activists, gang members and others have implicated the U.S. government in the deadly crack cocaine-gun trade."

 This is the wretch that was thrown in to break up the black communities, kill the family dynamics and all together morals and values that we stood loud and proud for, which weakened the strength and their power...
  From there the crack baby epidemic was born and this is where our ideas and goals for a better future were lost... this is where this false facade of freedom was able to be forced upon us and the black power movement was defeated...
This is exactly why our men need to rise up, respect themselves, respect their women, and repossess our family dynamic and instill these morals in the youth and we will be back on track...
 until then they'll continue magnetizing the worlds sinning
and keep humanity from winning...
Stand wise and blessed and enlighten our oppressed...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Women Vs. Bitches Understand The Difference

Rest In Peace to the greatest rapper, lyricist, poet, realist, activist and leader of our time
Tupac Amaru Shakur!
He knew the difference and made sure that we knew the difference.

Rise up Queens stop being tricked in to degrading and disrespecting your selves by praising and accepting these terms that sure aren't terms of endearment. This is a means of self hate even though you may not agree you don't understand how things like this affects your subconscious.

You don't understand how powerful your words are. You say something to someone and they believe what you say it then becomes their reality... its called black and white magic...
Reality will differ from person to person depending on ones perspective but for example...

ex.  You tell some one that they are ugly and they value your opinion then you just used "Black Magic" because now that person believes they are ugly even though we all know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and also works vise versa which is called "White Magic".

ex. You just ate someones horrible cooking and its disgusting but you tell the cook that they've made the most outstanding dish you've ever had well guess what... now this person is ecstatic and ready to start publishing cook books...

 These are the powers of our words and with the knowledge behind the words you can use them in a positive and effective way. There is also an art of words that are used against us... for example politics and laws. If you were to compare the Black's Law Dictionary to the Websters Dictionary you would then see how our words are used against us and don't have the meanings that are beneficial to us.

This goes back to being called the word "bitch"...people create all kind of meanings to make the term more acceptable. I've seen people come up with acronyms that make the word appealing but the true definition will always be the same.

 No matter how you try to sugar coat the word "bitch" I refuse to get lost in the various meanings...

At the end of the day there are so many greater words to describe a woman... such as Goddess, Mother, Wife, and The Producers of Life and for having that title alone deserves the most utmost respect.

Give Respect and Praise when due!!!