Wednesday, April 16, 2014


  Allow me to start off by asking a few questions. You take a minute to reflect on them and come up with your own conclusions based on logic as well as common sense.

On average how many people do you know who get some type of government assistance whether it be medicaid, food stamps, ObamaCare, WIC, social security, disability, or unemployment?

How many of those people have children to feed and a life to manage?

How many people do you know with good work ethic more than willing to work but just cant get a job?

Isn't the cost of living only getting more and more expensive? what sense does it make for republicans to want to keep the minimum wage the same?

Think about this...

How would you feel if you were someone who depends on welfare to make it, and that assistance was taken from you without any explanation?

How would you feel knowing that all along they've been planning to take this assistance away from you and you couldn't even get a months notice?

Sorry to say, but the reality of it is, reports like the following are exactly the results from situations just mentioned...

The Truth-O-Meter Says:


"Six people in Florida die as a result of (not expanding Medicaid) every day."

Charlie Crist on Friday, February 7th, 2014 in an interview on MSNBC's "The Daily Rundown."

Not only is welfare in jeopardy but so are our right to bare arms. The clause in regards to our right to bare arms was placed in the constitution to allow the everyday people of America like you and I, to protect themselves from a rouge government.

Do you ever feel like the powers that be may think you are illiterate and or to ignorant to be able to handle yourself freely and so therefore think you should have to forfeit your right to ultimately protect yourselves and your families...

 But in retrospect are hypocrites and contradict themselves over and over by killing thousands sending drones into other countries and killing innocent people not sparing women or children...

Do you ever ponder on how you could contribute to the cure of corruption in politics?

Well first you can keep yourself up to date on media outlets other than FOX news...

You may not understand when it comes to political and legal issue a lot of networks like FOX report biased opinions and provide half truths that support their hidden agendas, really leaving you more confused than before you started watching it.

Don't feed into the propaganda.

Study words that you don't understand when it comes to political and legal terminology, they use the art of words to manipulate and control you to the benefit of no one else but their own gain.

I recommend MSNBC that is the closest you are going to get to the truth on television.

This news outlet reports on what is truly important to the American public and what could be in jeopardy for them as well.

Don't take any ones information as truth until you do the research or they provide credible sources that prove as fact.

Have an open mind because a lot of claims you hear in regard to American society in general seem so far fetched... and consider that those claims maybe closer to the truth than you think.

If you live in a republican state I cant express it enough VOTE VOTE VOTE DEMOCRATS TO THE US SENATE!!!

They are literally exercising all measures to keep people from voting at the polls in November preferably the people them being in office effects the most... the working class and the less fortunate... so you make sure to exercise all measures to be there and VOTE!!!

Obama needs democrats backing him because republicans are running the house and are sabotaging everything he can possibly do to make this country finally live up to its name